[Washington, DC – February 6, 2024]Imagine a world where AI is not just a tool but a transformative force in healthcare, offering predictions, diagnoses, and treatments tailored to each individual like never before. Dr. Rubin Pillay, a visionary in healthcare innovation, brings this future within reach with his seminal work, “Code to Care: A Leader’s Guide to Implementing Responsible AI in Healthcare.” This book isn’t just to read; it’s a revolution, charting a course towards a future where AI enhances every facet of patient care, crafted with ethical precision.

In the realm of AI, where possibilities are endless but accompanied by significant ethical, privacy, and employment concerns, “Code to Care” emerges as a critical guide. It addresses these issues head-on, advocating for a balance that places patient welfare and ethical considerations at the forefront of technological advancements.

Endorsed by luminaries in the field, Dr. Harvey Castro, a distinguished CHATGPT health advisor, calls it a “trailblazing resource,” while Dr. Anthony C. Chang, a leading figure in AI and medicine, praises Dr. Pillay for his “cautious optimism” and “insightful erudition.” Adding to these commendations, Dr. Timothy Chou, a respected lecturer from Stanford University and founder of Pediatric Moonshot, emphasizes the timeliness of Dr. Pillay’s insights: “As healthcare stands at a pivotal juncture, Dr. Pillay’s insights are particularly crucial. Where AI’s potential to revolutionize patient care is undeniable, yet fraught with challenges.”

“Code to Care” speaks to: 

  • Patients, encouraging them to engage with AI-enhanced care actively,


  • Healthcare Professionals, showing how AI can augment their capabilities, 
  • Policymakers, guiding the development of innovation-friendly yet protective regulations, 
  • Tech Developers, urging them to prioritize human well-being in their designs. 

This book is an invitation to all stakeholders in healthcare to partake in a movement towards a future where AI serves humanity with unwavering ethical commitment. It’s a clarion call to navigate the complexities of AI, ensuring that its immense potential is harnessed to revolutionize healthcare ethically and responsibly. 


  • Get your copy of “Code to Care” from Amazon and www.rubinpillay.com 
  • Dr. Pillay is keen to share his vision through interviews and speaking engagements. 

Media Contact: 

  • Franmarie Kennedy, Vice President, Media Relations 
  • Email: Franmarie.kennedy@gmail.com 
  • Phone: (202) 251-6078 

Visit www.rubinpillay.com to explore further. Join us on this pivotal journey with Dr. Pillay to demystify AI, embrace its potential, and safeguard its ethical application for the betterment of healthcare globally. 

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